Blossoming diversity Felvonville Philadelphia Mural by Calo Rosa

Our Coffees

Bombe, Ethiopia

Notas: Aromatic, Lemon Grass, Plum, Sirope


Ato Dukale


2140 - 2160







Harvest period

November to december

Harvest Type



Drying beds





250 gr

1 Kg Special Price

12% Tax Included

We also accept these payment methods

The farm 

The Wax General Trading station is located in the village of Bombe, in the Sidama area. It is here, at an altitude of 1950 metres, that DWD collects and processes coffee from neighbouring producers. At this station, DWD offers washed, plain and anaerobically fermented coffees. Each process is carried out with the utmost care, to ensure maximum quality. Coffee has long been grown in this region, as part of a mixed farming system that enables farmers to diversify their income and ensure the harvest of food crops.

Zone Sidama 

The area covered by the Sidama appellation is very large, stretching over 500 km: the coffees have very different profiles! Sidama is the name of the appellation, but above all it is the name of the people of southern Ethiopia. Sidamo is a negative term used by people from the north to refer to the Sidama people of the south.


Ato Dukale was born near Bensa, in the Sidama region, where his parents already had a coffee farm. Very quickly, his interest turned to coffee. He spent a long time travelling around his native region to collect his first bags from the various Sidama farmers. In the late 1980s, Ato Dukale built his first washing station in Daye Bensa, which he called “Awraja and his family.” Awraja was the name of the department where he grew up. It was also Ato Dukale’s nickname when he was a renowned volleyball player and travelled the country with his team, under the colours of his district: Bensa Awraja!  

Since then, his business has flourished, and Dukale Wakayo Dakola (DWD) now has 16 collection centres in the Sidama and Yirgacheffe regions. It has been taken over by Ato Dukale’s sons, Assafa, Shahsamo and Yamrot, who, along with their father, put all their energy into producing quality coffees.